Friday, June 4, 2010

My First Blog

This is my first blog - I am excited to be able to share my thoughts and ideas with various people and engage in fruitful discussions to find solutions to everyday problems faced by people living in Indian cities and other countries.

Let me first talk about the retired Defence Services Personnel.

A stage will come when thare are more retired Service Perosnnel than those serving in the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force. Some organized action should be taken to make use of their knowledge, experience and skills are for the nation's good. They could work as volunteers or consultants on various subjects in their domain of expertise advising not just the government but the private sector organizations as well. Currently so many of them are sitting at home and are not contributing for the development of the nation.

What do you think about this? Would an organized action be useful/acceptable or will these people be written off as Old fogies?


  1. excellent. you can be in touch at once with a thousand people.

    your point about there being more retired than serving men in a short while presents an interesting demographic possibility. maybe that formulation holds good for the whole society whose elderly population outnumbers other segments. yes, some way should be found to use the ageing class--for mutual benefit.

    as an aside, i should refer to a poem of good old kunchan nambiar with a post-modernist streak. he talks about a time when yama, kala, takes a holiday.

    i am sure your post will generate a lot of light and fire in the coming days.

    k govindan kutty

  2. Excellent idea.
    Many charitable and nongovermental organisations depend on the expertise and experience of retired people on a voluntary basis.Perhaps it is better to leave it like that. Organising the seniors may be cumbersome and may place complications and burdens on some of the seniors.On the other hand it will be highly profitable for organisations and able and willing seniors to seek out each other for mutual benefit. It will undoubtedly benefit the society in a big way. Goodluck.
